About Me

water and pine treesI think I will have to add to this as I go along.  Basically I live with my sweetie, and have two awesome kids, one of whom, just graduated from UOIT in E Commerce (Honours).  That would be Amanda, and my son Allan, who lives in Vancouver, and is busy working and living his life to the fullest.  Since starting to share my life with Chris, I am coming to know his two daughters as well.  So one big happy family with all the joys, and trials that life brings!

Time for an update!  February 2016 – Still in Kilworthy, Amanda well on her way, Allan still in British Columbia, Cayti is on her path and as is Nikki.

February 2013.  Amanda is on her journey in her digital marketing career.  Allan is up in the North West Territories searching for new slopes. Cayti will soon be on her own journey , and Nikki is still enriching young lives.

May 2018 After a long winter I am looking forward to summer! Serious heat today! Amanda is engaged!

Sept 13 2018 Left Chris after his indiscretion .


  1. I enjoy reading about your life up in chilly canada. Winter was long wasn’t it? We are having nice spring days now. 67 F. You wrote that copaxone gives you eye problems. I’m wondering if that’s what is going on w me too. Although my MS started out with optic neuritis.
    My vision seems to be worsening.
    I feel pretty good most days. Did you gay. Weight after starting copaxone?



    • Hi Teresa! I have gained weight since starting Copaxone, but then my activity level decreased, so I don’t want to totally blame it. I can’t say for sure that Copax caused my eye problems – I think it is just MS itself. My actual vision in my left eye improved, which is what caused the bluriness. Go figure. It is more the inability to see with less light that is driving me nuts. I do feel pretty good most days, and have no intention of switching meds, I love that there are virtually no side affects, and if weight gain is one of them, I can live with that lol.


      • Yes, I agree. I am happy with the copaxone bcs my MRIs have remained unchanged. I also have real difficulty seeing in dim light or even when I wear sunglasses I can see close up. It’s awful. Bcs my eyes are sensitive go light


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